Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Animal Cruelty - follow-up

Just heard back from the vet: the cat is going to be just fine. They opened the wound and cleaned it nicely. He will be coming back this afternoon. I am not sure about his mobility as yet... will just have to wait and see.

That is the good news.

Today my anger has abated a little. What is left a big disappointment in my fellow-man. The person that did this is also breaking the law can be fined up to R2000 or 1 year in prison. I will open a case with the police in order to have this on record if this happens to someone else's animals as well.

I am also thinking of putting up a couple of posters around our area. Maybe this person will see it and come clean? Perhaps my trust in other people might be restored a little after that... but I am not betting money on it!

Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty images

Yes- that is how my cat came home tonight. Some person used him for target practice... how can this person do such a thing??? What angers me even more is the fact that this was done by a person in my extended neighborhood!

The arrow only entered the skin itself (we think). The vet will open him tomorrow to have a closer look.

To the coward attacker: I hope you sleep well tonight... but tomorrow you really should read this and hope I never find out who you are:
The law protecting this animal

Monday, October 02, 2006

Linux tools is so neat

So, my little internet connection at home is a Telkom ADSL line. It is driven by a Open-WRT enabled Linksys WRT54G routers. For a while now, I wanted to do proper transparent proxy on it. But my proxy server is on a different machine. Then I found this helpfull howto that works just great.

On my linksys firewall I add this to /etc/firewall.user:

#method 2
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 80 -s
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j MARK --set-mark 3 -p tcp --dport 80
ip rule add fwmark 3 table 2
ip route add default via dev br0 table 2

And I also add this to my proxy machine:
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -s --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

And that is it...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

web design

I am a very strong believer in open standards. That is why I like the people from W3C so much. I happen to have to do some sort of web development from time-to-time. But having the pure CSS knowledge etc. does not help you to make a site look good... the solution?

Having found a great new site (thanks Graeme) called OpenWebDesign even I can make a website look really good. To this end I update my own little website: privet

Sunday, September 10, 2006

first post

So... let's see what all this blogging stuff is all about then!